Visualize three core quadrants
You have probably worked with the core quadrant theory of Daniel Offman before. I find this a very powerful model. And every time I work with it, I get new insights, or I get reminded of something that is relevant to my personal development.
If it fits for you, you can, for instance, visualize your three core quadrants.
- What is a self-evident quality for yourself and for others? A quality that really belongs to you? What are you really good at? What were you good at when you were a kid? If you ask your parents this question, what will they answer?
- To get a picture of your qualities, an overview of your successes and required qualities can help. See a screenshot here.
- What went or goes well? For instance, a project at work, a routine that you can easily manage, a smoothly running relationship with a colleague/ friend/ partner. Go back in time. What could you do well when you were a child?
- KLIK HIER voor hulpformulier Overzicht successen en benodigde kwaliteiten
- Put in the left table the things that you have done well according to you (successes)
- Mention the qualities you needed and still need on the top axis
- Put the crosses in the table at the appropriate quality (To even get a better sense for qualities and pitfalls, see this list: lijst-kernkwaliteiten-voorbeelden-uitgewerkt)
- Prioritizing
- If you have completed the table, you can mark ten qualities that suit you the best.
- Put these ten qualities in order of importance
- The top three qualities will most likely be your core qualities.
- Create for each of these three qualities a core quadrant
- What is your challenge related to this?
- And what behavior of others (it can also be yourself :-)) annoys you immensely? FUN: you can fill in a quadrant from all angles. Just start with behavior for which you are allergic. Down below the core quadrant in picture:
nummering aanpassen (1 tm 3 ipv 1 t 4) en plaatje!
The three core quadrants can be explained through this form: HIER voor Hulpformulier Zelfreflectie Persoonlijke Ontwikkeling kernkwadrant